Abiathar or Ahimelech?

The Bible is one unified whole which never contradicts itself. However, skeptics of the Bible often try to find contradictions between one passage and another. A noted example is an …

The Real Solution to Gun Violence

In the wake of the recent shooting at Umpqua College, political pundits are discussing various proposed solutions for gun violence. There is widespread disagreement about whether and how much government …

The Life of a Flower

One of my favorite spiritual songs is called “As the Life of a Flower.” The first verse of the song goes like this: As the life of a flower, As …

Facts, Islam, and Schools

Christian parents know that they must be vigilant in protecting their children from anti-Christian propaganda in the world and particularly in schools. This week, the Nashville paper, The Tennessean, published …

Is the Pope Humble?

The Roman Catholic Pope, Francis, is in America this week. It is important to remember that, while Francis has a winning smile, a nice personality, and many admirable personal qualities, …

“In the days of Herod the king”

Bible study is enriched by knowing more about the political and social background of biblical events. Books such as the International Bible Encyclopedia and Albert Bell’s Exploring the New Testament …

Revolt in Israel

Numbers 16 and 17 are fascinating chapters. Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, along with 250 chiefs of Israel, accused Moses and Aaron of taking the leadership of Israel by presumption: “You …

The Collection

Christians give of their means every first day of the week. The Bible passage that says the most about the contribution is 1 Corinthians 16:1-2. We frequently read this passage …

The Virgin Birth and Isaiah 7:14

Sometimes it is suggested that the virgin birth of Jesus is not very important, and that we don’t really need to believe in it (Michael Langford, The Tradition of Liberal …