Revolt in Israel

Numbers 16 and 17 are fascinating chapters. Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, along with 250 chiefs of Israel, accused Moses and Aaron of taking the leadership of Israel by presumption: “You …

The Collection

Christians give of their means every first day of the week. The Bible passage that says the most about the contribution is 1 Corinthians 16:1-2. We frequently read this passage …

The Virgin Birth and Isaiah 7:14

Sometimes it is suggested that the virgin birth of Jesus is not very important, and that we don’t really need to believe in it (Michael Langford, The Tradition of Liberal …

God is Not Mocked

Does anyone really try to mock, ridicule, or sneer at God? It must be a real temptation for some to mock God, for Paul warned us against it in Galatians …

The God of Feathers

by Ken Dahlstrom, Planner, Lockheed Martin Special Guest Writer When William Paley published a book affirming God’s existence, Natural Theology, in 1802, he began with an argument derived from some …


Hypocrites are a particular breed of liars. They are by definition, insincere play-actors. The Greek word translated “hypocrite” refers to those who are on the stage playing a role. We …