God Works Through Friends

The Bible abundantly teaches that God blesses everyone (Matthew 5:45; Titus 2:11-14), and particularly those who are in His family, the church (Ephesians 1:3-14; 3:20-21). One of the means God …

A Tragic Anniversary, an Ongoing Holocaust

The word “holocaust” literally denotes a “situation in which many people are killed” (Merriam-Webster). When we think of the word “holocaust,” we usually think of the German-led murder of six …

The Perfect Mediator

One of the sweetest words in the Bible surely is “reconciliation.” Paul wrote that “we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received …

The Devil’s Entertainment

Americans spend more money on the lottery than on any other form of “leisure.” American gamblers are seeking either (1) entertainment; or (2) wealth; or both. I use the words …

The Bible and Population Growth

For years there have been heated discussions about the Earth’s population. Some, like Paul Ehrlich in the late 1960s and 70s, warned that the Earth could not support the growing …

Live Streaming – UPDATED

Our Live Streaming service has been restored. We have also found a service that will allow you to watch on your smartphone. Please see our Live Streaming Page for details. …

The Dividing Line Over Prayer

In the wake of recent, horrendous, mass killings, many turn to prayer. Some newscasters and politicians say things like, “Our thoughts and prayers are with the families who have lost …