When a Pardoned Man Must Hang

In 1833, George Wilson was convicted of robbing a mail carrier in Pennsylvania, and sentenced to hang. However, the case caught the attention of President Andrew Jackson, and Jackson granted …

Where Did Evil Come From?

Prior to God’s creation of other things, nothing existed except for the eternal God. Only God “inhabits eternity” (Psalms 41:13; 90:2; Isaiah 57:15). And God, Who defines goodness by His …

For God So Loved the World

“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life. For God …

What Will Make Me Happy?

Everybody wants to be happy. The question is, “What will make a person happy?” The book of Ecclesiastes is remarkable because it provides a detailed account of a wealthy, powerful …

The Leper’s Prayer

When we study the prayers of the Bible, we learn how to pray (and sometimes how not to pray). The case of the leper who came to Jesus is especially …

What Fires are Burning in Your Life?

The Bible uses the symbol of fire variously. As we do healthy self-examination (1 Corinthians 11:28; 2 Corinthians 13:5; Galatians 6:4), we should make sure that the right kinds of …

Let Us Respect the Word of God

At the end of May, a new Bible was published. It is called Bible Emoji: scripture 4 millenials. (The misspelling of “millennials” is intentional by the editor.) This “translation” replaces …

Not All of Life is Worship

Worshiping God is a high privilege and joy. Christians love to worship so much that it may sound to them very spiritual and appropriate to suggest that everything Christians do …

Lot’s Choice

We are familiar with Lot’s decision to move to the valley of Sodom. After Lot’s uncle Abram gave him the choice of the land, we read: And Lot lifted up …