Four Generations

From time to time we see a photograph that pictures four generations of family members. These photographs are very special, because it shows that there are shared values and memories …

Naaman and Us

The biblical account of Naaman, the commander of the army of Syria (2 Kings 5:1-14) is a beautiful living picture of how God saves man. Naaman was afflicted with leprosy, …

What If Apollos Had Said…

The Alexandrian saint named Apollos is a great friend to every Christian. In Acts 18:24-28 we read about his powerful, Bible-based preaching, by which he refuted Jews who were claiming …

Running From Repentance

In a society that is increasingly secular, there is pressure on Christendom to take the focus away from sin (the most pressing human problem) and salvation from sin (the most …

MTD, the Whatever Religion

You may be asking, “What is MTD?” MTD stands for “moralistic therapeutic deism.” Sociologist Christian Smith of the University of North Carolina coined the phrase in 2005 to describe the …

The Door was Shut

If you are not right with God, those of us at Macland Road desperately want you to make things right today. Perhaps there is no better biblical phrase on which …

The Kingdom in the Model Prayer

I have paragraph headings in my Bible, and the paragraph heading above Matthew 6:5-15 says, “The Lord’s Prayer.” This is misleading, for the prayer in the passage is a sample …